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Athlete Information

Name : Stéphane Ledoux
Sport : Ski
Location : Québec, Canada
Coach : CFSA Canadian Freestyle Ski Association

Short Biography

I’ve been coaching freestyle and freeriding for the last 25 years! Thru my years as a coach I’ve met so many great athletes and I’m grateful for all the joy that it brought me. My ‘’modo’’ is, if my athletes ends their day with a great smile, my job is done. At the moment, I’m working for Mont Édouard witch is one of the best ski hill on all the East coast, but please don’t tell anyone, it’s a well kept secret. One of my project is to be part of the creation of a Freeride circuit here in Quebec. That’s true! We have such great slopes here that can even scare the West coast skiers. I’m also an active member of POW – CANADA. Like one of my idol of all time said ‘’Glen Plake’’ – The last thing you need to do to have the best day of skiing in your life is be good at skiing! Cheers

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