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Michael Gauvin

Athlete Information

Name : Michael Gauvin
Sport : ATV
ATV number : 13
Location : New Brunswick, Canada
Federation : NEATV / USA
Class : PRO

Short Biography

I started racing the CMRC Atlantic serie back in 2007 in the junior class. Since then, I have improved my riding and been able to compete against very fast riders in Canada and the USA while winning many titles in both countries. Since 2017, I have done 3 full season in the NEATV series and won 4 championships. I was also a Team Canada rider at the QXON event in Denmark in 2018. I have not been able to race NEATV in 2020 due to COVID but if restrictions allow I will sure be back this year to defend my ex-titles. My main goal for 2021 is to race the most as possible in NEATV and SXQC series and fill the top spot in all events I will attempt.

Current Sponsors

SB Powdercoating

FJ Productions

Products Michael Wears

Airtech Pro

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