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Dean Bercovitch

Athlete Information

Name : Dean Bercovitch
Sport : Ski
Athlete division : Moguls / Slopestyle
Coach : Canadian Mogul Ski Team
Location : British Columbia, Canada
Federation : Freestyle Canada

ShortΒ Biography

The longest short story of all time!
Coming from a background of skiing moguls, I developed those skills into a Big Air career. Spending the last 6 years progressing the Park world by innovating some of the newest tricks has been extremely fun. I have been fortunate enough to travel the world competing at all kinds of events and meeting new people. From those experiences I have had the opportunity to start coaching the air side of the Canadian Mogul ski team.
For the remainder of the 2019-2020 season I will continue to coach, and then also compete at the Moguls Nationals event along with a few Hella Big Air events in America!

Current Sponsors

Products Dean Wears

Airtech Pro

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