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Benjamin Nadon

Athlete Information

Name : Benjamin Nadon
Sport : Mogul Ski
Location : Québec, Canada
Federation : Freestyle Ski Québec
Team : Quebec Mogul Team

Short Biography

My name is Benjamin Nadon. I started skiing at 4 years old. Inspired by the performance of Alexandre Bilodeau (2010-2014) and Mikael Kingsbury (2014 to Today), I start Skiing competitively in moguls at 11 years old. Passionate and perseverant, I skied through the different competition circuits until graduating on the Quebec Mogul Team by the end of 2019. Since, I have perfected my technique, jumps and speed to perform towards the Noram circuit and possibly the world cup circuit in a couple years! For this season, I hope we will have a competition circuit that will allow me to amass the few missing points in order to get my spot on the performance group of the Quebec Mogul Team.

Current Sponsors

Products Benjamin Wears

Airtech Pro

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