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Cedric St-Onge

Athlete Information

Name : Cedric St-Onge
Sport : Ski
Location : Québec, Canada
Federation : Freestyle Ski Québec
Class : U18

Short Biography

I started skiing at age 3 and competing in Freestyle skiing at age 9. I have since swept most Regional competitions. At only age 15, I already had several podiums and medals to my collection at the Provincial level. I am part of Elite Freestyle skiers in Quebec and on the Canadian circuit. I am part of the “Espoir” in Quebec, highest level before joining the Quebec team. My greatest accomplishment was a Gold medal at the last Canadian Junior Championship in Red Deer, Alberta in 2020. Here’s a summary of my medal collection throughout my skiing career… and I am not done yet. Seasons 2018, 2019, 2020: 9 medals in Provincials, 2 medals in Canadian Juniors Seasons 2013-2017: 13 medals in Regionals. I am also part of other elite sports such as soccer AAA (stopped this year in 2020) and competing in Junior golf tournaments. I consider myself as a good all-around athlete, but I have a very special love since day one about Freestyle skiing with high goals for myself. My main goal this season is to finish in the top 10 skiers in Quebec and make the Quebec Freestyle Team next year.

Current Sponsors

Products Cedric Wears

Airtech Pro

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