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cédric pezzani

Athlete Information

Name : Cédric Pezzani
Sport : Ski de Bosses
Location : Québec, Canada
Coach : Freestyle Ski Québec / Val-St-Côme

Short Biography

I was an athlete for 11 years and now, I am a coach for Val-St-Côme since the 2017-2018 season. Freestyle skiing has always been a passion for me. I love that I am able to share and transmit my experience to others. I enjoy helping the next generation of athletes who want to improve their skills and want to take their performance to another level. Sports have always helped me in different areas of my life and keep me grounded. As my coaches have done for me, I strive to create a fun training environment so that the kids meet their training objectives and are proud of a job well done! Let’s hit the slopes!

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