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Information sur l’Athlète

Name : Alexandra-Kiwi Dubois
Sport : Motocross
Motocross number : 525
Location : Québec, Canada
Class : Woman Intermediate / Woman Pro

Short Biography

I started in 2014 motocross and two weeks later I was on the starting line at the FMSQ. My goal was to become a Female Pro at the FMSQ Endurocross in 5 years. I was qualified an Intermediate Woman in the 3rd season.

In 2017, I also tasted Enduro Hard with some friends and I fell in love with this type of riding. Since then, I have worked very hard to considerably advance my techniques in addition to developing the Trial. In 2017, I qualified Woman Pro for Enduro at OFF-ROAD in Ontario.

I now continue to train and learn other techniques.

Current Sponsors

Products Alexandra Wears

Airtech Pro

Airtech Pro

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